Rudolf Ryser is a native of Switzerland and met the Lord on the 5th of September 1984 while attending a meeting of Evangelist Alf Harding in Pretoria, South Africa. As he and his wife Ruth gave their lives to the Lord he was healed of his very severe back injuries and his ulcers. From this moment onward Jesus Christ was his one and all.
After returning to Switzerland he organized evangelistic meetings with Alf Harding and many people got reborn and healed. During one of these meetings the Lord told Rudolf, that it was time for him to begin working in the healing ministry. Since Rudolf was suffering from dyslexia he was unable to read the Bible but now, through prayer, he is able to read!
He was ordained as an evangelist in 1991. He is also a teacher all over the world and the apostolic father of congregations in South Africa, Ghana and India. On February 23rd 2003 he was ordained as Doctor of Ministry and Philosophy from Friends International Christian University, Mercedes CA, USA. In 2003 he opened ITA (International Theologic Academy in Christ Jesus).
Today he lives to serve the Lord. His motivation and his heart’s desire is to live a life that will glorify God as he serves Christ day in and day out wherever he is. He is focusing upon training and equipping not only the members of the church he founded, “Gemeinde in Jesus Christus/Congregation in Jesus Christ”, but also leaders. Every year in March he conducts a week of fasting and praying and teaching of the Word of God to the Fivefold Ministry according to Acts 13.
As of September 2009 Apostle Dr. Ryser was released by his congregation as the pastor so that he could concentrate full time on doing and expanding his calling of Apostle, Evangelist, Teacher, mentoring and discipling. His son Andreas, who had been pastoring with his father, is now the Pastor of Congregation in Jesus Christ with its two locations in Moosleerau and Schönenwerd, Switzerland. Apostle Dr. Ryser still ministers at the church when at home as well as leading and teaching at the Bible college that he founded, International Theologic Academy (ITA).